If there's anything I've learned from having a blog...its that I'm really terrible at having a blog. I think about posts I want to make, I look at things online that I would like to blog about, but for some reason I never seem to get around to actually writing these posts. My bad. I'd say I promise to get better, but I'd hate to have to explain myself when I fall off the wagon again. So, I promise to try.
Since its been, say a month or so (wow, really? I really am bad at this), I feel like there's a lot that's happened that could be potentially blog-worthy. Not having the time or resources (aka, pictures) to write about all of them, I'll share some highlights. Then again, the alternative to this post is working on my HST 425 progress report, and we all know how much I love doing homework......
fall is finally fully here, which means.....
more pumpkins than I know what to do with
scarves, boots, sweaters, hats, and more than a few jackets that I have my eye on. Top of the list? This guy:
new kicks! (and they're waterproof to boot!)
plenty of crafting (unfortunately, photos of said crafts have been less than plentiful, but here's a subpar picture of a frame I made for my desk at work)
new tools to fuel my craft obsession
(I'm more than excited to use the perforation blade on this bad boy)
and it wouldn't be fall in the northwest without the rain. i'm not the biggest fan of being out in the rain, but I am a fan of cute rain inspired accessories (no matter how un-oregonian it may make me)
oh, fall. maybe the drizzle with inspire me to become a more frequent blogger