let's pretend for a minute that that little time stamp up there doesn't say Sunday and that I didn't just spend an hour and a half messing with blogger page settings, thus missing the Saturday mark by mere minutes. on board? great! let's commence with this post.
happy saturday friends! thank goodness for the weekend. Id' like to introduce a new saturday post series that I'll be posting to chronicle the progress that my friend and co-work Courtney and I are making towards our goal of becoming successful race runners! We've begun this week training for our first 5k together, running at the ungodly hour of 3 am when we get off work. We set daily and long term goals, and each week I'd like to share the low down on how we did each day!
I should preface by sharing that neither of us are big fans of running. I've gone through spurts where I will run a lot, but it never seems to last and I rarely have had a goal or someone to go after it with (especially not someone who also happens to be available to workout in the middle of the night). So while to an experienced runner the times I'll be sharing might seem less-than-blog worthy...for us they are big accomplishments, and I'm pretty darn proud of us!
This week's breakdown:
Tuesday: Gym workout
Wednesday: 2 miles; Time: somewhere around 30-40 minutes (we forgot to time this first one)
Thursday: 3.1 miles; Time: 50 minutes, 15 seconds
Friday: 2 miles; Goal: 29 minutes; Time: 28 minutes 27 seconds!
Looking forward to sharing our progress with you each week!
Woot Woot go us!