Wednesday, February 29, 2012

music tuesday....ala nyquil

Music Tuesday is a bit later than normal today, but better late than never! Home early from work tonight, not feeling so hot, so I'm hopped up on nyquil and Yogi tea (the best!). Be thankful, little bloggy readers, for my neighbor who decided that it was screamo band practice time at midnight...were it not for him I would be peacefully sleeping instead of remembering that I almost forgot about music Tuesday!

Row House 14 Music Linkup Party

This week's theme is "sunny" music, a very far departure from the cold, wet, miserable weather that I'm actually stuck with. enjoy!

1. "Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO

2. "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee

3. "Sunshine" by Matt Costa

4. "Falling for the First Time" by Barenaked Ladies

And finally, my favorite song to listen to out in the sunshine, probably because of how enjoyable they were at a recent summer concert:

5. "Float On" by Modest Mouse

hope you enjoyed my sunny picks!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

today I'm making...

Today is sewing day in this little ol apartment! I have three things that I want to at least start today, so create some accountability (gah! work terms creeping into every day life!) I'd like to share my projects here post-production!

I plan on making several of these little guys today
This skirt looks too simple NOT to try! I can't decide if I want to make it maxi like shown, or if I want to make a shorter one....decisions, decisions! 


And last, but not least, the one that I am probably least likely to finish today, but will definitely be starting, is this amazing pony dress that Elsie shared this week! 


I can't decide what animal I want to sport on mine though! top runners so far are :



Any ideas out there?!

saturday run down

This week was a bit off and on, but making progress none the less!

Saturday-- off (Portland!)
Sunday -- off (Eugene!)
Monday -- run 2 miles; time: 25 minutes
Tuesday -- off (exhaustion!)
Wednesday -- 20 min on the arc trainer; weights and abs
Thursday -- ran 1/2 mile before completely freaking ourselves out that someone was in the bleachers
Friday -- ran 2 miles; time: 23 minutes (!!)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

40 days of....something!

Well, it's here again, that time of year when I stress out over what to do for Lent. I'm not Catholic, but every year the practice of challenging myself to give up something/take up something always feels good. So what is the plan for this year? I'll be honest in saying that I have no idea, but in my nightly Pinterest perusal I came across this print, and it's safe to say that I could stand to resolve to at least a few of these:

Life lately has felt more stressful than necessary, almost like I'm on the edge of something happening, but I'm constantly in a state of anxiousness. What for? Life is too short to worry, so for now my Lent commitment is to relax more, unplug a little, get outside and try to live a little freer.

On a completely unrelated note, have you seen the previews for the new movie Mirror Mirror?! I feel a little spoiled that twice in my life two of my favorite things are combined in cinematic glory--Disney recreations and Julia Roberts!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Music Tuesday

Hello and happy Tuesday! It's time for another Music Link Up with Row House 14!

Row House 14 Music Linkup Party
This week's theme is favorite Grammy Artists. I have a hard enough time picking my favorite songs, let alone artists, so I'm sharing my favorite winners for Song of the Year over the years--enjoy!

1965, Louis Armstrong

1972, James Taylor and Carole King

1984, The Police

1991, Bette Midler (It is fair to say that I was OBSESSED with this song around 6th grade)

This next song is a shout out to who I thought should have won in 2010 (No offense, Beyonce)
2010, Kings of Leon

Hope you enjoyed my picks! Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

saturday run-down

Had a good week! Even though it was without my partner in crime :(

Sunday--3 mile cross-country ski trip
Monday-- ran 2.25 miles time: 25:50 (!!) attempted strength/core circuit....made it through pull ups, back dips and planks before I just couldn't take anymore
Wednesday--strength/core circuit
Friday--ran 1 mile time: 9:92; walked 1 mile @ incline 9

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

feel the love

Happy Valentine's day y'all!

Wait...did I just say "y'all"? Must be this whole waking up before noon thing, it does weird things to me, I tell ya.

Anyhow, today is another music link up day with Row House 14, yay! And this time around it's all centered around, you guessed it, my favorite love songs. I'm not typically all that mushy gushy or romantic (much to Adam's dismay), but music tends to have a way of getting me all sentimental. So, without further ado, my top love songs to celebrate today!

Row House 14 Music Linkup Party

I've shared this song on here before, but I do love it!

Love me some Billy!

This song is so cute, it gets me every time!

And last but not least, my absolute favorite love song. I love every version of this song that I've ever heard, from the original Dylan to the country-fied Garth Brooks, but this Adele version is my favorite lately.

Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, February 13, 2012

February lust list

Starting a new post series centered around my monthly fashion picks! While I don't work in an environment that is exactly fashion-forward friendly (read: warehouse), I still like to play around with my clothes and accessories. Typically my shopping endeavors include whatever I randomly find on sale whenever the mood strikes, but I really want to start getting more deliberate with my choices and my style. I have a monthly budget of $75 for clothes/accessories/whatnot, so I'd like to share here what I'm considering adding to my closet each month! At the end of the month, I'll recap what actually made the cut, and then move on to the next month! Sound fun? I hope so!

Here are my current lusts for February (even though I've already spent $28!)


Ruche "Day Dreamer" top, $36.99


Ruche "Love Fern" dress, $36.99


ModCloth "Stop, Elaborate and Glisten" necklace, $34.99

Bloom, "Embroidered Flower" dress, $68.00


Jupe, "Triangle" necklace, $24

I'd love to hear your thoughts on what should make the cut! Also, if you follow me on Pinterest you'll see much, much more!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saturday night

Organizing my Martha Stewart Weddings collection tonight, which only makes me feel a little bit neurotic. Just a little...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

saturday run-down

We're back to our normal broadcasting now that vacation time is over! Well, almost normal, a funky week at work threw a wrench in some of our's the scoop!

Tuesday: 2 mile run; Time: 26 minutes
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Gym, core/strength training circuit
Friday: off--that darn work!

Hopefully I'll get in an extra day this weekend to make up for the madness this week!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

we're back!

Hello and happy Tuesday! We made it back from our Disney adventure and today it's back to the real world of work, life, and the cold. I should tell you, I brought my computer with us and had every intention of at least a few posts while we were gone, but we were just so busy having fun (and were exhausted by the time we got home every night) that the time just slipped away! I have a few photos to share of our sunny trip, enjoy! 

*Disclaimer: All photos taken on my iPhone, so apologies in advanced for some not-so-great quality ones. Also, you are about to be bombarded with pictures--you have been warned!

Main Street

Our first glimpse of the magic

We became action figures

Enjoying the sun in New Orleans

Trying to get a workout in 

Spinning on the teacups (NOT my favorite!)

Club 33!

We even saw people go in!

Not so sure about the Ferris Wheel

So high!

We learned to draw Disney characters

Adam's first time--he loved it!

Until next time Walt!